Saturday, March 2, 2013

How a $.99 Ice Cream Cone Saved a Man's Life

So I have had a crazy long week and have been wiped out most of the day. Our family read the “DO”-Votional for this morning and we chatted for a few minutes about what we could DO today. We had great ideas... but NONE of them happened. 

So, it’s 8pm and the kids are getting ready for bed. Jess tells me, “It’s now or never!” So, we all throw on our jackets and head out looking for good deeds to DO. We started by looking for homeless folks, but it’s too cold and they are all gone! We ended up at McDonald’s with the kids, who brought THEIR money and had the idea to buy ice cream cones and hand them out to people in the restaurant. The kids bought 5 ice cream cones and spent $5 of their own money passing them out to a guy and his son and another family. 

They were all very blessed, but the guy with the teenage son was flabbergasted. He just had to know WHY we were doing this?? Jessica told him, “We’re doing a devotional today that is all about DOING the Word, not just reading it. The Bible says, Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise God. So that’s why we bought you ice cream!” 

He kept pressing her for info and they chatted for a few minutes. She politely ended the conversation to get back to the kids playing at the play place with me. She told me, “I think you need to talk with him.” Before I could go to him, this man who is visibly shaken sits down next to me and starts with, “I don’t even know why I am talking with you.” I told him, “I do!” He starts by pouring out his heart and telling me his background with God and the church. 

I took him aside when he started getting choked up and he ended up confessing his sins and just getting RAW, right there in the Kids play area! I preached a VERY SIMPLE Gospel telling him that his responsibility was to come to the Lord, it was the Lord’s responsibility to set him free of his sins. 

He was SHAKING with the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the whole time we were talking I was thinking... “I don’t believe this! This is unreal!!” I asked him to pray a simple prayer with me and as we did, he started to manifest a DEMON! He started growling and hissing when I told him to say, “Jesus, set me free!” He literally couldn’t do it! So I reached over and put my hand on the back of his neck, commanding the thing that was prohibiting him from talking to loose him and let him go! 

It did! :) 

He gave his life to Jesus, confessed and repented of his sin and got WHACKED with the Holy Ghost! We talked for about an hour, exchanged numbers and he is coming to church tomorrow! 

All that because my kids bought him a $.99 ice cream cone. 



  1. Totally awesome! This is so encouraging. Praise God!

  2. I had to force myself out into the cold but It was so worth it. I met a lady at Waffle house of all places. second time in my life I went there but it was where I was told to go. I got coffee and talked to the waitress she was from my home town dayton ohio. I blessed both waitresses with a large tip and the dayton woman wants me to come back and see her. I certainly will I was directed to her for a reason. She has been here for two years. I'm guessing she will ask me why the large tip for coffee. I will tell her about Jesus .
